Solutions Expert Service

In 250 words or less, describe the problem you are trying to solve, and the management and programming tools you already have at your disposal. List all add-on features you want your solution to include. We do not manufacture prototypes, but we do guarantee that your solution report is tailor-made to your needs, and will fit into your current infrastructure. Any business process reengineering that we recommend will take into account your organization's need for strong internal controls, as specified by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA). No Datacenters need apply! For cyber-security solutions, go to
As a rule, we charge 5% of the budget range for small projects, 10% of the budget range for mid-sized projects, and 15% of the budget for large-scale projects.
By pressing the 'submit' button, you agree to all our terms, as well as you agree to pay half of our charge upfront via Paypal , then the other half when your report is emailed to your contact person.