Franklin<br />
                                        Quest <br/ >
                                        Computing <br/ >
                                        Company <br/ >




We, at Franklin Quest Computing Company (FQCC), pride ourselves on commonsense innovation. We tackle today's problems in a unique way to make life easier for all Americans. Founded in 2012 by Gwendolyn French, FQCC has transformed lives through its innovations. It has contributed to the overhaul of The National Science Foundation to make this agency truly recruit the best and the brightest talent from around the country. From Silicon Valley to IBM Watson Research, FQCC's strategies have opened once-closed doors to a whole new generation of workers, entrepreneurs, and innovators.
FQCC doesn't just automate business processes, we streamline enterprises with effective applications that take the headache out of day-to-day operations. Our products and services have been tested against industry benchmarks. We offer a unique experience with each solution. We understand intelligent systems, without devaluing the American worker. Our philosophy is that machines will never take over the world, because we know the intricacies of machine learning. We put people first, and value those who know their unique talents and how it fits into our corporate culture. We are value producers at FQCC.
FQCC • P.O. Box 941045 • Houston, TX 77094-8045 • 281-589-1109